Monday, March 12, 2012

And the results are in.

Well everyone...I finished my 60 days.  Am I thrilled with the results? Not 100% but I definitely see and feel a difference.  I want to post some pictures so you can see the "transformation".  The first two are obviously day 1.  The last two are day 60.  I hope I didn't gross any of you out.  HAHAH.....Am I done? By no means.  What's next?  Another round (a "softer" round if you will) of insanity with a mixture of strength training back with my trainer at the gym and getting ready for my April 14 5K which I am super stoked about.  I'd like to get into running some more so I am hoping that this 5K will inspire me to do so.  Alright everyone.  Thanks for reading!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Fit test results: Day 1 to day 52

Switch Kicks:
day 1-12
day 15-35
day 52-65

Power Jacks:
day 1-8
day 15-52
day 52-53

Power Knees:
day 1-12
day 15-64
day 52-85

Power Jumps:
day 1-5
day 15-23
day 52-33

Globe Jumps:
day 1-3
day 15-8
day 52-8

Suicide Jumps:
day 1-5
day 15-11
day 52-15

Push-up Jacks:
day 1-7
day 15-16
day 52-25

Low-Plank Oblique:
day 1-10
day 2-33
day 52-40

The jumping exercises show the littlest of improvements....bummer.  But they're hard!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Have you lost faith?

I'm still here kickin ass in Insanity.  I am most definitely seeing changes every day...the scale won't budge, but i know there are losses in places...just not the ONE place i want.  That EVERY girl wants.  I want a flat firm tummy! damn it!  So I am about to finish my 3rd week of month 2...which means one more week and I take my "after" pictures.  I will definitely be continuing this insanity work out...I will supplement it alongside my gym work outs and starting to train for that 5k.  I also began physical therapy with my awesome new dr....dr. solevy :) and hopefully my ankles will get nice and strong! so that's where I am with my work out.  I hope you haven't lost faith or thought that I;ve given up!  I am still workin hard!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

To lose or not to lose

WHY AM I NOT LOSING!  seriously.  Im bloated to hell and STARVING.  I am drinking water like it's my second job but still the bloat.  Working out yesterday was a total bust and I was uber disappointed with myself, but I said...this is not working.  I felt so bloated I thought I may float away, I was exhasted...and it was creeping up to 6:30 and I still hadn't eaten dinner so I was STARVING.  It is difficult to work out through that when all you can think about is eating.  So today I had a more refreshed attitude about working out and did a better job.  I'm almost half way through month two..which means I have a little over two weeks left.  I am disappointed because I am not seeing the changes I was expecting to see.  I won't let this stop me though.  Even if it means having to do this ALL over again.

I did sign up for my first 5k though! I am super excited and its another finish line for me to head to!  I need to get some better tape measurement and I will try to post my "inch loss" because I feel like THAT is where I am losing.  Just wish the scale would show my hard work dammnit!!!!!!!

Monday, February 13, 2012


OK ok ok ok. OK. ok.  Day one of MAX interval training.  I got my ass whooped.  60 minutes.  It isn't even like the workout is harder...those extra 20 minutes are KILLER!!!!  You know it's bad when the jacked totally fit people on the video are literally  sprawled on the floor at the conclusion of the work out.  Now I tried to pace myself through this work out because I wanted to be able to get through it but THAT was tough.  That was INSANE!!!!  This is going to be a tough month.  Those 40 minute workouts spoiled me.  Once you got through the "warm up" and the stretch you had 20 minutes of workout!  NOW....after the warm up and stretch you have like 45 MINUTES OF WORKOUT!!!  OH MY GOODNESS!!!!!  POWER THROUGH!


Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Still on the wagon

Hello everyone.  I'm still here insanitying away.  I'm halfway through "recovery week".  Recovery my ass.  Sure it isn't as "exhausting" as a normal insanity work out, but I certainly would not label the work out as a RECOVERY.  Sean T is a nut if he thinks my muscles are recovering!  There are a lot of slow movements this week and boy do my hipflexors hurt!  I have been sort of on and off with the recovery formula I got from GNC.  I'm beginning to think I got sucked into a scam with it.  I haven't taken it recently and have not had the immense pain that I had in week one.  I suppose that could be due to me just gaining some muscle.  Any way...clothes are startin to look pretty nice....definitely have dropped some belly fat.  Haven't really measured or weighed anything recently.  I was weighing myself and getting frustrated because I'm feeling lighter but the scale is going back up....I know I's muscle...But i want a low number.  so THERE

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Don't you, forget about me

I hope you haven't lost faith in me....I have not given up on my journey through this insanity....I've just thought the fewer the posts, the more inclined people will be to read.  I have been doing workouts religiously up until this weekend.  This program does not take in to account that you can get sick.  I had a nasty cold all weekend....felt like a sumo wrestler was sitting on my chest.  I went to do my work out Sunday and could only get through the warm up...Yesterday was worse....So I skipped (EEGAADS!)...BUT....Usually I work out Sunday-Friday with Saturday off.  So that the guilt of skipping a day didn't plague me I shifted my weekly workout to Monday-Saturday.  This is my last week of regular "insanity". Next week is my "recovery" week and after that everything is to the "MAX"...literally...that's what it says.  Anyone who's done insanity know what this is about? Should I be scared?  Please help me in knowing what to expect?

On the bright side of things, my jeans are quite comfortable and loose around the waste.  I feel like you can finally see some differences, esp in my apple bottom (hehe) and my face.  The number on the scale is slowly lowering.  I am hoping to see some major changes in the next month!